September is Sports Eye Safety Month, a time when we turn our attention to the importance of safeguarding our vision while enjoying our favorite athletic activities. As we commemorate Sports Eye Safety Month, we can't help but stress the importance of safeguarding one of our most vital organs – the eyes. Whether you're an amateur athlete or competing at a professional level, your eyes can be vulnerable to injuries. This is where the "sport protective frame" becomes an essential component of your sports gear. In this blog post, we'll shed light on the significance of sport protective frames, with a special focus on Rec Specs, a leading brand in sports eyewear. We'll also provide eye-opening statistics on sports eye injuries in the United States.

The Rising Concern of Sports Eye Injuries

In recent data shared by Prevent Blindness, America's premier nonprofit for eye health, an alarming rise in sports-related eye injuries was noted. Over 32,000 such injuries were treated across the United States just last year, marking an increase of nearly 20% from the year before. Recognizing the critical importance of educating the public about the very real risks of severe, and potentially vision-threatening injuries, Prevent Blindness has dedicated September to Sports Eye Safety Month. These injuries range from minor scratches and abrasions to more serious issues, such as detached retinas and fractures, and a majority of these are preventable. Young athletes, particularly those involved in sports such as basketball, baseball, and racquet sports, are especially at risk.

To understand the gravity of these statistics, consider the following:

  • Basketball players are exposed to potential pokes or jabs to the eye from errant fingers and elbows.
  • Baseball and softball participants face risks from high-speed balls and bats.
  • Racquet sports often involve swift-moving balls in close quarters.
  • Even non-contact sports have their dangers, with the possibility of falls or collisions.

The Solution: Rec Specs Sport Protective Frames

In response to the rising number of sports eye injuries, leading brands like Rec Specs have innovated solutions in the form of sport protective frames. These frames are designed not just to ensure clarity of vision, but also to provide robust protection against potential hazards.

Here's why Rec Specs is leading the charge in sports eye safety…

Rec Specs is a renowned brand in the field of sports protective eyewear. Their frames are specifically designed to withstand the rigors of various sports and activities. Here are some reasons to consider Rec Specs:

Virtually Indestructible

The frames are built to withstand strong impacts without shattering, thus providing optimal protection.

Comfortable with Helmets

They are crafted to ensure a snug fit so that players can concentrate on the game without being distracted by a wobbly frame.

Certified to Protect

In addition to protection, these frames offer improved vision, which is crucial for sports that require impeccable hand-eye coordination.


Rec Specs sport protective frames cater to a variety of sports, ensuring that athletes from different disciplines can benefit from enhanced eye safety.


Rec Specs offers a wide range of styles to suit your preferences, whether you're into basketball, soccer, or even skiing.

Impact Resistance

Rec Specs and similar brands incorporate high-impact-resistant materials and design features to protect your eyes from collisions with objects, equipment, or other players.

UV Protection

Sport protective frames often come with built-in UV protection, shielding your eyes from harmful UV rays while you're outdoors.

Customized Fit

Many sport protective frames are adjustable and can be tailored to fit comfortably, ensuring they stay securely in place during high-intensity activities.

Prescription Options

For athletes with vision correction needs, sport protective frames can often be fitted with prescription lenses, allowing you to see clearly while staying safe.

Make Eye Safety a Priority

As we observe Sports Eye Safety Month this September, remember that protecting your vision is paramount when engaging in sports and physical activities. Sport protective frames, such as those offered by Rec Specs, play a vital role in reducing the risk of sports-related eye injuries. Don't compromise on your safety – invest in the right eyewear to enjoy your favorite sports to the fullest while safeguarding your precious eyesight.

Check out our store locator if you want to find Rec Specs at an eye care location closest to you.

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